About me

Hello and welcome to my site!

For the past two decades I've written adventures and supplements for role-playing games, and a few years ago I wrote and published Seven Worlds, a two-volume hard Science-Fiction role-playing game. Seven Worlds was nominated for an ENNie for Best Role-Playing Game Adventure of 2018 and also received the Atomic Rockets Seal of Approval for Scientific Accuracy (which makes me all kinds of proud). Check out the publications page for more info.

I’m now shopping around for agents for my first space opera novel, Thorn of Concordia, while working on its sequel, with a working title of New Life.

In my day job I’m a software engineer at a major tech company. I’m originally from Lima, Peru, and now live in Seattle, WA. Given my background, one of my goals is to represent Latin American cultures and mindsets appropriately in my current and future novels.