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New article on RPGs and writing is live on the SFWA blog

My new article on RPGs and writing went live on the SFWA blog today! Check it out here. I loved writing this article. It updated some of the concepts I’ve first laid out in the Top Three RPGs for Writers post and expanded them with more thoughts around mechanics that ignite conflict that can be quickly translated into stories. I missed not being able to write about other games like 13th Age, but I’m happy with what came out. [Read More]

Analyzing SF space opera reading patterns (Oct 2022 Edition)

The text below comes from a Twitter thread I wrote on October 24, 2022. I’ve belatedly decided to move it to a post on my site. I’m starting to use Threads more now, so I’ve updated the account links from X to Threads for authors who’ve announced they’ve moved shop. Can I improve my query letters using data? While I await replies to my queries (#AmQuerying) I decided to do some data analysis on checkout patterns for books similar to Thorn of Concordia, my SF space opera manuscript, using Seattle Public Library open data. [Read More]

Three RPGs for fiction writers

I got my start playing role-playing games when, at nine years of age, I got my parents to buy me the 1981 edition of the Dungeons and Dragons Basic Set (the cover said the game was for “three or more adults, 10 years and up,” so I guess you could say I was ahead of my time). I could cite many reasons why RPGs are so exciting for me, but the undisputed top one was that I could tell stories with them. [Read More]

Welcome! And a map of the Seven Worlds

What better way to start the journey?

I’ve been working on Thorn of Concordia, my first novel, for almost two years now. Since the novel uses the worldbuilding I did for my game, Seven Worlds, what better way to start this blog than by sharing this gorgeous map of the Seven Worlds circa the year 2217! There is a long story behind this map, which I won't share here (because otherwise, what else would I blog about later? [Read More]